Enjoy these images of a shoot I did with my brother.
Colby and his wife Alicia
next: Kersti + Justin
Enjoy these images of a shoot I did with my brother.
Colby and his wife Alicia
next: Kersti + Justin
Thank you for the flowers Alicia!
Giant wishes scattered my party, good luck for the next year I hope.
Dad & Claire
Esther & Christian
Colby & Alicia
Party guests & Miss Daisy
The stage
next: artist portrait Colby Sanford
Had a fun week in Park City with the family! Wish I would have taken more pictures. Enjoy the few that I have.
These peeps!
Such a graceful sister & a brother that wears two pairs of glasses to drive.
My favorite image from the week. This little house in the distance seems so magical.
next: YURTparty!
Goodbye lovely cabin you have treated us well!
Mallory & Bess
This world is so beautiful.
Looking through the storm clouds to a patch of light.
My favorite flower with a honey bee!!! *cat with heart eyes*
next: park city getaway
Christian, Penny, Bess & I on our way to the cemetery (yesterdays post).
This A-frame felt so american and very much like I should be at summer camp
Trees still standing despite the beetle infestation that came through a few years ago
The Bryner-Feltis family spent more time in the Park while the rest of us where at the cabin, explored the town & spent a few hours down by the lake talking, laughing and sharing the silence that nature brings.
When the fam returned we had dinner and made smores.
Alice being serious with Tallia.
Never have I ever been with people that take such pride in their marshmallow roasting. Also one of my all-time favorite smells is campfire in my hair the morning after a good roast. I was pretty happy.
next: colorado day 4
On Sunday we decided to walk to the cemetery what we found was a beautiful and peaceful place full of love and creativity. There is something so rejuvenating to the soul about seeing how loved people are.
LOVE the idea of having a more organic headstone my favorite it the one in the left.
These were by far the most intriguing stones because the cause of death was listed on stone. Clockwise: Commissioner John G. Mills, Shooting of July 4, 1883; Doc Duty killed by snowslide at Toponas Mine Feb. 1883; Robert Plummer, Jan. 1883, murdered by Wilson Waldren; Andy Myers, Summer 1883, Killed by lightning as he dug well east of courthouse.
The stone on the right was hand crafted by chiseling out stone then pouring metal in the groves.
I thought cement was a clever solution the mass grave of the Johnston Children was so sad.
Next: colorado day 3