Matching houses on my way to Zell's
The sunsets in Newburg
TREES ARE EVERYWHERE AND I LOVED IT!!! These are in Washington Park.
Flowers and greens from Washington Park
A famous waterfall of some sort.
next: a portrait
Matching houses on my way to Zell's
The sunsets in Newburg
TREES ARE EVERYWHERE AND I LOVED IT!!! These are in Washington Park.
Flowers and greens from Washington Park
A famous waterfall of some sort.
next: a portrait
Details at Mount Tabour park
Lincoln City
next: goodbye Oregon
one time I went to Forest Park & ended up taking a 3 mile hike in dress shoes & a skirt. it was magical lovely & i felt at peace with the world
cute oregon people
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”
- John Muir
next: sixth bread story