i have been blessed to live near the mountains. i remember as a child going on camping trips with my family, we would stay the night them mum would drive the car down and we would hike down. as a teen i would go hiking often with some friends. one of my first memories of the mountains was when i was quite young this memory is burry and disjoined around the edges. i was hiking with my father and we came to a little hill in the trail that we had to get over i remember that i was wearing my teva's because i saw snow and was amazed that it would be snowing already.
the last three weeks i have gotten to go to the mountains for various reasons. the first time of the season i went with my dear roommates to drive the alpine loop which is just magical the windows down we were engulfed in the wind that yearned for winter and change. the second was to a beautiful cabin. i spent the night surrounded by my immediate family, falling in love with the last moments together before colby and alicia went on their adventures in china-land. the third was this past week we (lindsey, jean, jonathan, esther & i) went to get cookies from sundance in between sessions of lds general conference. esther and i opted for virgil's root beer and shared a smore rice crispy thing. we all explored a bit then stumbled upon the stage and put on a talent show for each other. after which jonathan twisted his ankle and we slowly made our way back to provo listening to the first few talks of the 2nd session in the car.
having problems getting into october? try these songs. first song.... second song.... third song... enjoy!
the goods
jean performing a scottish poem
lindsey "river dancing"
johnathan showing us how to stage fall
esther & jean playing dead....esther won
what do you love about october? what is your relationship with the mountains? favorite songs?